VGA:use A 16-bit true color of RGB565 mode,in short words:216-65536 color
infrared remote controller:standard 38KHz infrared interface,have a metal protected case,prevent interference
AccessPort:use PL2303HA Updated version chip,can connect computer directly via USB power supply cable
serial AD:TLC549 chip
Expand interface:26 PIN expand interface,a 5V,a 3.3V,A GND,11 pairs of LVDS signal.
Download interface:10PIN JTAG
buzzer:it is Active form
Nixie Tube:4
LED light:4 blue LED
Family Name: Spartan®-6 LX
Device Logic: Units 9152
Number of Registers: 11440
Typical Operating Supply: Voltage 1.2 V
Maximum Number of User: I/Os 160
RAM Bits: 589824
Re-programmability Support: Yes
Operating Temperature: -40 to 100 °C
Speed Grade : 2
Category : FPGA
Manufacturer: Xilinx