ویژگی کلی:
- Emitting Color:Red
- Forward Voltage:DC1.8V
- Forward Current:15-20m
سون سگمنت 5261BSR اندازه 6.5mm×25mm×19mm را دارد.
ویژگیهای سون سگمنت 5261BSR Multiplexed:
سون سگمنت 5261BSR Multiplexed اندازه 6.5mm×25mm×19mm را دارد.
This project is similar to Project 6.5, but here multiplexed two digits are used instead of just one digit and a fixed number. In this project the number 25 is displayed. In multiplexed LED applications the LED segments of all the digits are tied together and the common pins of each digit are turned ON separately by the microcontroller. When each digit is displayed only for several milliseconds, the eye cannot tell that the digits are not ON all the time. This way we can multiplex any number of 7-segment displays together. For example, to display the number 53, we have to send 5 to the first digit and enable its common pin. After a few milliseconds, number 3 is sent to the second digit and the common point of the second digit is enabled. When this process is repeated continuously, it appears to the user that both displays are ON continuously.
سون سگمنت 4021FSR اندازه 20.1mm×16mm را دارد.